Data Request
- This page is for requesting datafiles for the purposes of off-line analysis.
- Review the Dialect Topography survey and decide which question you wish to work with.
- Download and review the new Routines for working with the Dialect Topography databases (for the purpose of analysis).
The original routines document is also available here. There are certain key differences from that document when using the online databases, as described below.
- Stage 1 - Export a portion of the selected database to form a spreadsheet.
- Select the Full Data Length and choose the Project Region and Question you require. This function will generate a file to import into Excel.
You can choose Short Data Length if you only need the Index and the responses, without the personal data. This advanced function requires you to cut and paste the results into a full excel data table.
- Stage 3 - Save the spreadsheet in three different files.
- Do not save a varb.* file. Instead, see Stage 5A below.
- Stage 5A - Readying the token file in Excel.
- Select VARBRUL file. Set the Region and Question. This function will generate an Excel file that automatically converts the personal data to their proper codes.
- All other procedures remain the same.
- Submit the form above. The data will appear in a new window.
- Saving and Accessing the File: This step varies according on your browser and your version of Microsoft Excel. In all cases, name your file with a .txt tag (e.g., gh2000.txt). Other browsers and versions of Excel not listed here should be similar in procedure.
- Netscape 4.7
- Go to the output file's window. View...Page Source. Save As.... The program will ask you if you want to save the file. Answer yes, and it will be saved as a file called exceldata.php. Change the name of the file on the desktop (or wherever your program saves the file).
- Netscape 4.75
- Go to the output file's window. View...Page Source. Save As...Source.
- Netscape 6
- Go to the output file's window. Save Page As....
- Internet Explorer 5
- Go to the output file's window. View Source. Save As....
- Microsoft Excel 2001
- Open Excel. Open... your saved file. If a Text Import Wizard appears, select Delimited, and press Next. Select as a Delimiter Other:, and enter the | (pipe) symbol in the space next to it. Deselect the Tab checkbox. Click Finish.
- Other MS Excel
- Other programs may automatically set the data into columns.
- VARBRUL: The VARBRUL file will produce a file with 4 columns. The first column consists of the bracket required for GoldVarb. The second column is the Index, and the third column the variant given by the respondent. The last column is a collection of 8 independent variables, in the order given at the top of the spreadsheet.
To work with the VARBRUL file, replace the variants with one-letter codes as described in the Routines document. Delete the Index column (there for verification) and also the top label row. Save as a Text (Tab delimited) file named varb.variablePR. You can now proceed to step 5B.